Verdenskonferansen i dagkirurgi 2024

Verdenskonferansen innen dagkirurgi ble avholdt i Oslo 13.-15. mai. 

På konferansen var det mange operasjonssykepleiere som la frem egen forskning. Nedenfor er noen av foreleserne og bilder.

  • Petrin Eide: «I did what they asked of me»: A study of patients’ experience and reflections on their own preparations before day surgery.
  • Cathrine Ween Thoen: Patients’ experiences of day surgery and recovery: A meta-ethnography
  • Signe Berit Bentsen: Patient positioning on the operating table and patient safety: A systematic review and meta—analysis
  • Benedicte Bjøro: Pain and other symptoms related to Trendelenburg with lithotomy positioning in patients undergoing gynecological surgery
  • Ana Carla Schippert: Re-traumatization of torture survivors during surgical care. How to prevent: presentation of guidelines 

Hele programmet finnes på nettsiden International congress on ambulatory surgery (