General informastion about NORNA conference


Guidelines NORNA congress (pdf.)

  • The congress is held every two years, and last for two days
  • The location of the congress and responsibility for it rotates between the Nordic countries
  • The official language of the congress is English.
  • Parallel lectures in our own language are possible. 
  • Previous Congresses
    • THE FIRST NORNA Congress was held in Uppsala, Sweden, in 2005. The Congress theme was “Upplevelser, säkerhet och hälsa”.
    • THE SECOND NORNA Congress was held in Stavanger, Norway, in 2008. The Congress theme was “Perioperativ kompetanse I Norden – utvikling, erfaring og kommunikasjon”.
    • THE THIRD NORNA Congress was held in Reykjavik, Iceland, in 2011. The congress theme was “Hygiene”.
    • THE FOURTH NORNA Congress was supposed to be held in Finland, in 2014 but was cancelled. The fourth Nordic Congress for Operating Room Nurses was held in Denmark, in 2016. The congress theme was “Perioperative nurses in education and practice”.
    • THE FIFTH NORNA Congress was held in Sweden, in 2018. The congress theme was “Come together – Building Bridges in Perioperative Nursing”.
    • THE SIXTH NORNA Congress was held in Norway, Bergen, in 2023. The congress theme was “One step ahead”. (The congress was supposed to be in 2020, but due to the Covid pandemic this was postponed until 2023).
    • THE SEVENTH NORNA Congress is to be held in Island, Reykjavík, in 2025. The congress theme is “Embracing tomorrow’s demands with expertise”.

Read about the previous NORNA congress Bergen, Norway 2023 (

The upcoming NORNA congress in Reykjavik, Iceland 2025 (