Den 8.  EORNA-kongressen skal avholdes 4. til 7. mai 2017 på Rhodos i Hellas.

Det vitenskapelige programmet vil bestå av innovative og interessante temaer, med forelesninger, presentasjoner av postere, og workshops. Kongressen vil bli en fantastisk mulighet til å forbedre og styrke dine evner og kunnskaper innen peroperativ omsorg. Under kongressen vil det være mulig å dele kunnskap og erfaringer med kolleger fra over 40 land.

Et foreløpig program er nå tilgjengelig via kongressens sider!

Fristen for å sende inn abstracts til vurdering gikk ut i juli 2016, og fristen for å sende inn E-posters gikk ut 1. februar 2017.

Fristen for tidlig påmelding går ut 28. februar!


EORNA inviterer perioperative kolleger til å sende inn abstract til vurdering for presentasjon på kongressen.

Abstracts som omhandler ny klinisk praksis, utdanning, innovasjon, forskning og evidensbasert praksis, ledelse, informatikk, sunne arbeidsplasser, risikostyring og tjenesteutvikling – eller andre trender og utviklinger som er relevante for operasjonssykepleie ønskes velkommen som forslag til forelesninger eller poster-presentasjoner.

Fristen for å sende inn abstracts til E-posters er 1. februar 2017!

Besøk kongressens sider!

Last ned postere som kan brukes til promotering på ditt sykehus!

Velkomstadresse fra kongressens komite:

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 8th congress of the European Operating Room Nurses Association (EORNA). The congress will be held in Rhodes island – Greece from the 4th to the 7th of May 2017. It will be a great moment bringing together all committed nurses, leaders and perioperative professionals.

The scientific program will offer delegates a wide range of innovative and interesting topics, with oral presentations, poster sessions and workshops. This congress will be an excellent opportunity to enhance and strengthen your knowledge for improving perioperative care. During this congress you will also share knowledge and experience with colleagues from over 40 countries.

Greece is famous for being the cradle of Western civilization. Greek culture had a powerful influence on our history and our world especially in philosophy, art and science.

Greece is also the country of Hippocrates, the physician considered as one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine and as the “father of western medicine”.
Today, in our profession, we use many medical terms that derive from Ancient Greek.

Rhodes was famous worldwide for the “Colossus of Rhodes”, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Rhodes, located between the West and the East became an important meeting point of various civilizations, cultures and religions.

The congress theme is: “the colossus of perioperative nursing”. If you describe someone as a colossus, you mean that he is extremely important and great in ability. We, perioperative nurses, are “the colossus” to provide the best, the more secure perioperative care to the patient.

The Colossus of Rhodes was a symbol of peace and unity for the people who were living in the beautiful Mediterranean island of Rhodes. In perioperative nursing practice, we do not work alone, but as a team. In a united team, we communicate, we have common goals. Teamwork is more than just working together, it is bringing out the best of everyone’s strengths, the key in ensuring quality perioperative care.

So join us in Rhodes island, Greece. We look forward to seeing you there!

May Karam EORNA President
Dimitris Poulis Organization Comittee Chair
Jaana Perttunen Scientific Committee Chair

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