Operasjonssykepleierne NSF

NORNA Styremøte – høst 2015

NORNA meeting in Stavanger, 1st – 2nd of October2015

Catarina Augustson Sweden, absent
Anne-Marie Nilsson Sweden, absent
Jette Isberg Denmark
Merete Kjeldsgaard Denmark, absent
Marja Sirkeinen Finland
Marianne Lundsten Finland
Thorunn Agnes Einarsdóttir Iceland
Þórbjörg Ása Kristinsdóttir Iceland
Aina Hauge Norway
Anne Lind Jølstad Norway

Report from the NORNA meeting held in Stavanger, 1st and 2nd of October.

1. Aina welcomed everyone, followed by a short presentation. A new representative, Þórbjörg from Iceland joined us for the first time, a special welcome to her. Unfortunately there were no representatives present from Sweden this time. Denmark was represented by one representative. Apologies: Catarina Augustson, Sweden, Anne-Marie Nilsson, Sweden and Merete Kjeldsgaard, Denmark.

2. Last report – minutes from the Spring meeting Notice item 4; wrong year written, should be 2016, not 2017. This will be changed in the minutes. The Board members addresses are also reported correct.

3. National updates – a short report around the table.
Iceland: A lot of strikes lately, among doctors and midwifes. There has been a lot of support from the other Nordic countries. Many have had their education abroad and is now turning back home to Iceland.

Denmark: FS SASMO is celebrating 40th anniversary this year. FS SASMO will have a new board elected in October, and new representatives from Denmark in the NORNA Board. Jette stands for a reelection to the NORNA board. FS SASMO have been in dialog with “Dansk Sygeplejeråd” (the Danish Nurses’ Organization – DNO) since our last meeting, to discuss with them the possibilities to work together toward a Master degree in OR-nursing in Denmark.

Finland: Experiencing many savings regarding salary, “holiday pay” (feriepenger) and increased working hours. The nurses in Finland have not the right to strike, which is sensational from a Nordic point of view. They feel supported by an increasing number of other professions. Finland has a high standard of health care, but more and more nurses are now going abroad to work in spite of this.

Norway: There has been GA since the last meeting, and NSFLOS have got a new Board. NSFLOS Congress is just held in Arendal, in the beginning of September. Theme: Today’s health care in a global perspective, international challenges – our responsibilities? The theme was even more relevant at the time than expected, really up to date. On request from the Board, the Congress program is attached the minutes.

4. Next, 4th conference – 2016 Denmark. Dates are 27th-28th of October. Jette gave us an update. The NORNA Board meeting is planned to take place at 26th of October. The website will be ready in November. The fee is not quite decided, but around DKR 2100, – SF SASMO expects. Jette will discuss back home if it is possible to have a special “student-fee”. Judith Tanner has accepted to be one of the key-speakers. As discussed in our last meeting, there will be no gala dinner, but a “come together tapas”. Jette will inform us about the deadline for abstracts.

5. Assistant professor Ida Mykkeltveit,University of Stavanger, lectured about Master’s degree in OR-nursing. The presentation is already sent the NORNA Board members.

6. NORNA Statutes (vedtekter) – update english version. The meeting carries out a Plenary update of the Statutes in English. Aina will finish the work and send it out for comments. The final update will be signed in Copenhagen at the next meeting. At the end of the meeting an old version of the english Statutes was found among other papers in ”NORNA –portfolio”.

7. Future topics for NORNA

  •  patients safety in OR
  •  Who checklist – this seems to work well in all countries now, compared to 2-3 years ago.
  •  documentation – see item 8.
  • 8. Documentation We decided in the last meeting to discuss why, what and how we do this. Aina demonstrated shortly the programme used at Stavanger University Hospital, ORPLAN.
    Around the table states that different documentation systems are in use in the different countries. Not all hospitals are doing it electronically. Here are the systems used: Norway – DIPS, ORBIT, ORPLAN, Iceland – SAGA and ORBIT, Denmark – ORBIT.Summarized, this is what the Board members agreed upon when it comes to why and what: accidental events, prostheses and implants, deposition of patient, risk of pressure damage and pressure relieving measures, instruments, compresses, hypothermia.

    All agreed it is of great importance to document all the good nursing performed to the surgery patients, the critical assessments and nursing measures, legal documentation and infection preventions. Have for instance special surgical gowns been used? Have doors been opened several times during the operation – particularly important in prosthetic surgery and other implants?

    The Board agreed to bring copies of their documentation system to the next Board meeting in Copenhagen.

    9. NORNA – The future
    Discussion about :

  •  Facebook – the hosting country is responsible for the site where all members are Administrator. Here the congress could be promoted, and so on.
  •  Every country may/should publish NORNA minutes on their own webside.
  •  Organize portfolio – transfer all history into a memory stick from 2010 and let every country have their own copy.
  •  Next NORNA Congress in Sweden 2018? (see item 10.)

10. AOB (eventuelt) Anne-Marie: Proposed on email to NORNA Board prior to the meeting. Need to make a decision about planning the congress in 2018 or 2020. If the congress is decided in 2016 to be held in 2018, the time of planning is too short, and it has to be held in 2020. The Board discussed this matter and agreed to decide that it is ok for Sweden to start their planning as if the congress is to be held in 2018. Date for our next meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark: 14th-15th of April 2016.

Norway, April the 6th 2015
Aina Hauge
Anne Lind Jølstad